Saturday 9 December 2006


I started patchwork and quilting a couple of years ago and belong to a group who meet every alternate Tuesday evenings for two and a half hours. The group is around 30 in numbers. I am finding this very interesting and always have "something" on the go. I do not have too many ufo's. I also cannot draw or design and I realise now that this would be an advantage, how I wish I had tried a bit harder at Art whilst at school. I like the foundation work and applique. In the group we have just done a sampler quillo, I made mine into a single quilt and not the quillo but it was lovely to see other people's interpretation and colours of the same theme. Some were beautiful but mine was just average. I aslo like hand work and always quilt by hand, I can do this as I am watching the TV with Hubby in the evenings. Every now and again I get fed up with sewing and decide to do a jigsaw puzzle in place of. I have always enjoyed sewing and knitting but as I suffer from arthritus I find knitting is getting harder to do so now I am learning how to crotchet, there are so many lovely wools in the shops these days. I do object though to having to stop my sewing to prepare meals or having to clear my work away because some-one is coming for dinner. Christmas is nearly upon us so my sewing machine has been packed away but is always near at hand. I don't have the luxury of a sewing room but I have a large dining table that I seem to take over when-ever possible. I am also new to this computer talk and doing this blog page is the first attempt so I hope some-one finds it. Hoping some-one out there has an interest in patchwork and quilting and adds a comment. PLEASE.


Unknown said...

Thank you for your comment on my blog - welcome to blogging! In fact i have never yet added a hanging sleeve - the maple leaf quilt you saw on my blog needs one and it is my task for tomorrow at a quilting class ( well one of my many tasks!) so it i get more tips I'll let ou know. meanwhile I found this site for you -

At the time of photographing the quilt was hanging from bookselves weighed down at the top edge with very heavy penny Vincenzi novels!

As for whether I am a quilter like you well yes, I quilt and have been doing so for exactlty 48 weeks so you are more experienced than me.

With the blogging it takes a while to get up and running and people knowing about you but there are rings you can join to get you a bit of publicity. Do you have access to British patchwork and Quiting magazine? I have just published an article in there (Jan isue) on Quilters blogs which has more details in.

Ali Honey said...

I think you will enjoy get to read and see what so many other quilters and artists are doing. Like you I don't have a sewing room either so sometimes have to pack everything doesn't take long really.
Best Wishes from New Zealand.

Erica Spinks said...

Welcome to blogging. I confess I am addicted to reading blogs, but beware - it eats into your sewing time! I've been a quilter for over 20 years (that doesn't mean I've necessarily made oodles of quilts though). Looking forward to reading more of your adventures.